About the Ulpan
The Ulpan program, in operation since 1958, has two 5-month sessions a year, with a capacity of nearly 100 students per session. Participants range in age from 18 to 30 and can come to the country as new immigrants or as tourists.
The typical day of the ulpanists is divided into 4 hours of classroom study and 4 hours of work in various places on the Kibbutz. There are 4 levels of Hebrew offered.The study of Hebrew is the core curriculum and, in addition, students learn about Jewish history and culture, as well as Israeli current affairs. Classroom study is supplemented by seminars and a variety of trips throughout the country.
Kibbutz Maagan Michael itself is an integral part of the Ulpan experience. Participants are invited to participate in the celebration of Jewish as well as Israeli holidays and other social / cultural events that take place within their 5 months stay. For those students who wish so, Kibbutz families "adopt" them during the Ulpan duration, and this also becomes part of their experience.

The unique opportunity to live, study and work in the Kibbutz takes place along with the group experience of the Ulpan itself. Participants come from all over the world; there is no common language or culture. The bonds that they form, things that they learn from each other, during their stay, all contribute to the Ulpan experience, which involves personal growth, a strengthening of Jewish identity and a more meaningful sense of belonging to both the state of Israel and the Jewish People.